The Single line Call Recorder by RedTin (Advanced Voice Logger) is a cost effective telephone voice-recording device or voice logging system. It can be attached to any switchboard, analogue, digital or IP phone extension using the redtin interface.


High value transactions (phone conversations in which critical information is transferred) that need to be recorded for liability protection purposes can be entertained. Telesales environments, Telephone Banking, Telephone Marketing, Telephone Insurance and financial trading by telephone are just a few examples. These require telephone call logging for verification and dispute resolution. You can now implement an cost effective, reliable and affordable voice logging solution by using the RedTin Advanced VoiceLogger.

Inexpensive PC/Notebook Sound Cards can now replace expensive equipment.

single line call recorder


Voicelogger – Red Tin Advanced Product Specifications

The Single line call recorder by RedTin is designed for telephone call recording over a standard network with saving of voice and data to a centrally placed server, PC or laptop.

single line call recorder setup screen

Voicelogger – Single Line call recorder Red Tin Product Specifications

The single line call recorder by RedTin VoiceLogger is designed for telephone voice recording over a standard network with saving of voice and data to a centrally placed server.

The screen above shows the “setup” option and is included with the Redtin Advanced voicelogger package. It allows for the following. Set up your record options: Recording options: ie. Auto , Manual and Serial. On Auto recording the facility to set the maximum timeout after silence is available, auto recording will trigger the recording state automatically when the telephone handset is lifted or when the telephone is in use and sound is emitted through to the computer sound card.


RedTin Advanced VoiceLogger Compression Table:

Estimated Actual
1Min 60 Seconds 78 78.1KB
2Min 120 Seconds 156 155KB
3Min 180 Seconds 234 232KB
5Min 300 Seconds 390 386KB
10Min 600 Seconds 780 771KB
60Min 3600 Seconds 4680 4626KB
80Min 4800 Seconds 6240 6010KB


1.3 KB s /Second
650MB 650000 KB 500000 8333 138.89 Hours
700MB 700000 KB 538461 8974 149.57 Hours
2.0 GB 2000000 KB 1538462 25641 427.35 Hours

Display pop-up box:
This option will display the RedTin Call Information box where the user can type in additional information relating to the call. The box can be displayed at the beginning of the conversation at the end or not at all. Choose the proffered setting.

Use password (Setup / Delete)
By enabling this setting the administration can control the user by not allowing him to change application settings or delete recordings without entering a password.

Need password to quit
By enabling this setting the administrator can control the user by not allowing him to exit the application. Please be aware that if this application is available the user will not be able to quit the application neither will they be able to shutdown the computer operating system.

Minimize on Startup
This feature will minimize the RedTin Advanced application on start-up. This comes in handy when the user needs no interaction with the application.

Recordings database path
In here the user can choose whether to save the files locally or to a remote location (e.g. A network server).

Backup / Restore
Recordings and database can be backed-up to and from a .zip file.

The retrieval section:

Retrieve Call Table
Under the retrieval table a few fields identify the user calls 

single line call recorder by date

The above table illustrates the voicelogger sorted by date.


single line call recorder sort by date

The above table illustrates the voicelog sorted by call ID.


These are the Administrator retrieval screens, they allow the administrator to playback all the users calls.

Enter search data / Search by field:
Here the user selects first which field he wants to search in then type part-of or the complete search string in. Note: the search is incremental values anywhere in the field.

Here the user can flag a conversation for future use, when flag is pressed it automatically add a date stamp on that file so that the user can know when he was interested in that specific conversation file.

Each conversation has a unique ID per user, when this ID file is deleted it will not be replaced.

This is the user that made the conversation, and the administrator will be able to view all the users and their files. But when a user is set as not administrative he/she will only be able to view their files.

Contact name:
This is the contact name that was entered in the Call Information Box when the conversation was initiated or ended.

Phone number:
Currently this is viewed, as “Not Entered” this number can also be entered into the Call Information box, or later under the retrieval section.

Reference Number:
The reference number can be used to store a unique search reference number or keyword, e.g. when a user work on reference numbers for a client the reference number can be entered here for fast and easy retrieval of all those conversations.

Date/ Time:
Each file is stored with it’s own unique timestamp and in this fields the date and time is listed of the conversations made by all the users.

Call duration:
The call duration is the actual time that the user spends on that conversation, although the sound file might be shorter because of user intervention with the pause conversation button the time is still captured as actual time.

single line call recorder pop up

One can email the selected recording by clicking the “Email” button.

Conversation description:
The conversation description can be entered into the Call Information box or directly into the retrieval section after the conversation. Here the user can type in important notes on the conversation.

Play back controls:
This is the control you use to playback the selected file, note that as soon as you selected the file in the grid, the play button will be automatically activated.  There are also standard controls like pause stop and back; the back feature will take the recording back to the Current position selected underneath.

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