Why Call Record

Why Call Record – Phone Call Recording could be good for your business

An increasing number of companies are recognizing that Phone Recording has benefits regardless of the size of your business size. In the past, Call Recording has been a high end application for call centers who require to Call Record their agents and financial institutions with brokers where high-value transactions take place or agreements are entered into by phone.

VOICELOG Telephone Recording technology has the latest new fully digital high quality Phone Call Recording for individuals and businesses at an affordable price. With the low cost of storage nowadays, archiving of calls and using friendly call retrieval software, the question should be asking is ‘Why shouldn’t I record every call?’

Is it legal to Record my Calls? – click here to view legalities >

Four Main Reasons why organizations and individuals Call Record Phone Calls:

  • Improving customer service
  • Recording transactions of high value
  • Complying with industry regulations
  • Safeguarding your security & avoiding abuse

Many industries are required by law to keep a Phone Call Records  eg Financial institutions, Insurers and premium rate services. Businesses transacting in high value commodities over the telephone may wish to Record a Phone Call for playback in the case a customer dispute occurs. Whatever your primary purpose, there are always secondary spin-off benefits and below we have listed some of the reasons and benefits to Recording Telephone Calls for each.

Improving Customer Service

Many large companies have a team of individuals who require to deal with customers over the telephone. Often the phone is the only communications exposure a customer has with an organization. It is also true that individuals within any one organization often vary greatly in their effectiveness when dealing with customers, this effectiveness translates to revenue, margin and profits.

The great benefit of Recording Calls in a customer service situation is to allow the sharing of the telephone experience across the customer services team. It may be that one particular team member has a better closure ratio or is better at up-selling than the others. It may be that one team member has better empathy with a customer complaint and therefore convinces that customer to stay or even buy more as a result of being satisfied. There are many varied situations where positive sharing of best practice by Recording Phone Calls is very beneficial.

Recording Telephone Conversations is also a superb tool to allow a supervisor to review the performance of a team member and to listen to specific calls with a view to grading or offering assistance and advice for further improvement. Often telephone-based staff are on some sort of commission structure, so the concept of self or supervisor related improvement is to the benefit of both parties if more, higher margin sales are made as a result.

Phone Calls Recording can be critical for new employees, especially as there is often a pressure to complete induction training quickly and get them on the phones.

Recording a Phone Call can be seen as ‘Big Brother’, team members will undoubtedly change some aspects of their telephone behavior as a result of implementing call recording and you may even see an increase in productivity to cover the investment for this reason alone, but it’s also important to respect staff privacy and their expectations to privacy, so we recommend that you inform your staff why you are implementing a recording system (emphasize the benefits to them) and allow staff to be able to make or take the occasional personal call (dependent upon your own policy) on a telephone that is not recorded.

Record Telephone Conversations for Home or Business

We may not all appreciate it, but most of us undertake important high-value transactions over the telephone. It may vary from a simple in principal gentlemen’s agreement, the giving of professional advice or the formal placement of an order using our credit card.

You may wish to recall conversations for any of the following reasons:

  • Confirmation – You simply wish to go over the detail discussed again before formally documenting an arrangement. We can’t be expected to remember or take notes on everything when we’re engaged in conversation. Recording Phone Conversations is ideal to step back through the conversation to make sure our documentation covers the ‘spirit’ of the agreement and that we haven’t missed anything out.
  • Dispute Resolution – We all have experiences where we made a verbal telephone order and didn’t get exactly what we asked for. Most of us unfortunately know someone who will always seek compensation in every situation and will often be successful due to the ‘Customer is always right’ principal. Recording Business Calls allows rapid identification & replay of the original order, if your organization was in the wrong, you need to know and sort the cause before it happens again. If you were right, you simply need to prove you performed as requested and avoid expensive compensation and loss of reputation, either way your company benefits and you may well find that just in dispute resolution alone, your decision to Record Telephone Calls is financially justified.
  • Sharing Calls With Colleagues – If you’ve just finished a fantastic call with your biggest customer and you want to share the positive experience & detail with your colleagues, for Recording Phone Call or Conference Call Recording and emailing the call in a wav format is a superb way of getting their attention and excitement.

You may also simply wish to pass on a message without writing it down, in which case, record the message and email it!.

Industry Regulations Compliance

This application is very specific to certain industries that are mandated by their governing bodies to Record Telephone Conversations. It may be a legal obligation or part of a voluntary code of practice for respected industry affiliates.

A growing number of financial services industries are mandated to you to Record Phone Conversations. Recording Phone Conversations on Medical and legal advice lines are also primary targets due to the high levels of compensation involved where ‘professional advice’ given is reported to be at fault. Insurers who provide professional indemnity insurance may insist to Record Phone Calls in order to lower insurance premiums.

Why Call recordPremium rate telephone services are regulated in many countries as the caller needs to be aware of the growing cost of extended calls and generally cannot be seen to be encouraged to stay on the call for an extended period.

Most businesses where mandated find positive reasons for the Recording Telephone Call equipment once implemented.

Increase Security & Avoid Abuse

In these times of increased security, the telephone is often the communication medium threats are made; this is simply because the threatening party can remain virtually anonymous and distant from the person or organization they are trying to affect.

Large commercial organizations are becoming the target for security alerts as the threatening party may simply be seeking to disrupt normal lives and generate inconvenience.

There is also an increasing trend of public workers (such as teachers, benefit workers etc.) being verbally abused by callers who feel they are being unfairly treated or simply don’t agree with the conclusions your organization may have reached concerning them. In addition, staff can be harassed by outside callers or even internally by other staff and it is becoming the employers’ obligation to protect employees from malicious calls.

Telephone Calls Recording in this situation has two benefits, it allows the abused employee to highlight the level of severity of the call and also may help prove who the caller was, or that the call was genuine abuse and not harmless banter. A complete Phone Calls Record can be kept and referenced and if needed Telephone Record Calls can be provided to the appropriate authorities.

An increasing number of companies are recognizing the benefits of Phone Recording regardless of business size, historically Call Recording has been a high end application for call centers who Call Record their agents and financial institutions such as brokers where high-value transactions or a high volume of business is key.

VOICELOG is a Telephone Recording Equipment company which specialise in Phone Call Recorders and Digital Phone Recorders.